Garmin Developers

Garmin Connect Developer Program

MenuProgram FAQ

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Access to the Garmin Connect Developer Program is free to approved business developers.


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Garmin Connect Developer Program FAQ

The Garmin Connect Developer Program is available for enterprise use and is the quickest way to make Garmin devices a part of your platform or provide coaching or training plans to users on their Garmin wearables. If you are interested, please request the Garmin Connect Developer Program and we’ll quickly review your application.

Before you do so, you may want to go through these frequently asked questions. You can also find content specific to each API in the left menu.

What is the cost of the Garmin Connect Developer Program?

There are no licensing or maintenance fees for access to the Garmin Connect Developer Program, but it is only for business use. Access to some metrics may require a license fee payment or minimum device order quantity for commercial use.

What is the integration process like and how long does it take?

After you request the Garmin Connect Developer Program, we will confirm the status of your application within two business days. If approved, you will be granted access to the Garmin Developer Portal and can get started on your integration right away. In parallel, we will invite you to an integration call to help understand your needs and walk you through the high-level technical details of the Developer Program and its APIs. A typical integration takes between 1 and 4 weeks.

Do the Garmin Connect Developer Program APIs support all upcoming new devices?

Yes, new devices are supported automatically. Additionally, the Garmin Connect Developer Program team makes every effort to ensure new data types are available as new devices launch, however it’s not always possible to offer every metric. If you need data that is not already included, please contact support with your request.

Can I use multiple APIs for integration with my application?

Yes, you may use utilize any or all APIs in a single application (Health, Activity, Women’s Health, Training, and Courses).

What OAuth format do the Developer Program APIs use?

All APIs in the Developer Program use OAUTH 1.0a.

I see the Connect IQ developer program allows for the creation of watch faces, data fields, widgets and applications. Do I need the Connect API to use this program?

No, the Garmin Connect Developer Program APIs and the Connect IQ programs are different programs. One does not require the use of the other. Learn more about Connect IQ and start using our free SDK.

Can I include Garmin wearables in my project / offering?

Absolutely. If you want to enhance your project by offering Garmin wearables, please request the Garmin Connect Developer Program and enter the number of devices you believe you will support. A member of the Garmin team will contact you to discuss how best to sell and provide the wearables to your users.

For further questions, get in contact with us by requesting the Garmin Connect Developer Program or emailing us.