Module: Toybox.Graphics
The Graphics module provides a set of tools that allow developers to use basic drawing functionality.
This provides the ability to draw shapes, lines, fill shapes, and use dynamic layouts for graphic elements based on specific device contexts. The Device Context (Dc) is useful for developers who are interested in creating content for multiple device platforms with differing screen shapes, sizes, and color palettes.
Classes Under Namespace
Classes: AffineTransform, BitmapReference, BitmapTexture, BoundingBox, BufferedBitmap, BufferedBitmapReference, Dc, FontReference, InvalidBitmapResourceException, InvalidPaletteException, OutOfGraphicsMemoryException, ResourceReference, VectorFont
Constant Summary
Name | Value | Since | Description | See Also |
FONT_XTINY | 0 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Extra tiny Connect IQ font |
FONT_TINY | 1 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Tiny Connect IQ font |
FONT_SMALL | 2 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Small Connect IQ font |
FONT_MEDIUM | 3 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Medium Connect IQ font |
FONT_LARGE | 4 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Large Connect IQ font |
FONT_NUMBER_MILD | 5 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Normal size number only Connect IQ font |
FONT_NUMBER_MEDIUM | 6 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Medium size number only Connect IQ font |
FONT_NUMBER_HOT | 7 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Large size number only Connect IQ font |
FONT_NUMBER_THAI_HOT | 8 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Huge size number only Connect IQ font |
FONT_SYSTEM_XTINY | 9 | API Level 1.3.0 |
Extra tiny system font |
FONT_SYSTEM_TINY | 10 | API Level 1.3.0 |
Tiny system font |
FONT_SYSTEM_SMALL | 11 | API Level 1.3.0 |
Small system font |
FONT_SYSTEM_MEDIUM | 12 | API Level 1.3.0 |
Medium system font |
FONT_SYSTEM_LARGE | 13 | API Level 1.3.0 |
Large system font |
FONT_SYSTEM_NUMBER_MILD | 14 | API Level 1.3.0 |
Normal size number only system font |
Medium size number only system font |
FONT_SYSTEM_NUMBER_HOT | 16 | API Level 1.3.0 |
Large size number only system font |
Huge size number only system font |
FONT_GLANCE | 18 | API Level 3.1.8 |
Glance text font |
FONT_GLANCE_NUMBER | 19 | API Level 3.1.8 |
Glance number only font |
FONT_AUX1 | 20 | API Level 4.2.2 |
Auxiliary Font 1 |
FONT_AUX2 | 21 | API Level 4.2.2 |
Auxiliary Font 2 |
FONT_AUX3 | 22 | API Level 4.2.3 |
Auxiliary Font 3 |
FONT_AUX4 | 23 | API Level 4.2.3 |
Auxiliary Font 4 |
FONT_AUX5 | 24 | API Level 4.2.3 |
Auxiliary Font 5 |
FONT_AUX6 | 25 | API Level 4.2.3 |
Auxiliary Font 6 |
FONT_AUX7 | 26 | API Level 4.2.3 |
Auxiliary Font 7 |
FONT_AUX8 | 27 | API Level 4.2.3 |
Auxiliary Font 8 |
FONT_AUX9 | 28 | API Level 4.2.3 |
Auxiliary Font 9 |
Name | Value | Since | Description | See Also |
COLOR_WHITE | 0xFFFFFF | API Level 1.0.0 |
White |
COLOR_LT_GRAY | 0xAAAAAA | API Level 1.0.0 |
Light Gray |
COLOR_DK_GRAY | 0x555555 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Dark Gray |
COLOR_BLACK | 0x000000 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Black |
COLOR_RED | 0xFF0000 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Red |
COLOR_DK_RED | 0xAA0000 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Dark Red |
COLOR_ORANGE | 0xFF5500 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Orange |
COLOR_YELLOW | 0xFFAA00 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Yellow |
COLOR_GREEN | 0x00FF00 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Green |
COLOR_DK_GREEN | 0x00AA00 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Dark Green |
COLOR_BLUE | 0x00AAFF | API Level 1.0.0 |
Blue |
COLOR_DK_BLUE | 0x0000FF | API Level 1.0.0 |
Dark Blue |
COLOR_PURPLE | 0xAA00FF | API Level 1.0.0 |
Purple. Not valid on fenix 3 or D2 Bravo. Use 0x5500AA instead. |
COLOR_PINK | 0xFF00FF | API Level 1.0.0 |
Pink |
COLOR_TRANSPARENT | -1 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Transparent |
Name | Value | Since | Description | See Also |
TEXT_JUSTIFY_RIGHT | 0 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Right justify the text at the x/y coordinates |
TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER | 1 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Center justify the text at the x/y coordinates |
TEXT_JUSTIFY_LEFT | 2 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Left justify the text at the x/y coordinates |
TEXT_JUSTIFY_VCENTER | 4 | API Level 1.0.0 |
Center the text vertically |
Blend mode
Specifies how colors of a source pixel will be blended with the colors of a destination pixel.
In the below descriptions
S is source pixel D is destination pixel a is the alpha component
Name | Value | Since | Description | See Also |
BLEND_MODE_DEFAULT | 0 | API Level 4.0.0 |
Alias for |
BLEND_MODE_NO_BLEND | 1 | API Level 4.0.0 |
Alias for |
BLEND_MODE_SOURCE_OVER | 0 | API Level 4.2.1 |
S + (1 - S.a) * D |
BLEND_MODE_SOURCE | 1 | API Level 4.2.1 |
S, i.e. no blending. |
BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY | 2 | API Level 4.2.1 |
(S * (1 - D.a)) + (D * (1 - S.a)) + (S * D) |
BLEND_MODE_ADDITIVE | 3 | API Level 4.2.1 |
S + D |
Constant representing alpha blending state for buffered bitmaps
Name | Value | Since | Description | See Also |
ALPHA_BLENDING_FULL | 0 | API Level 4.0.0 |
Default surface for buffered bitmap with maximum alpha blending support |
Surface for buffered bitmap with at least a 1-bit alpha channel. The actual number of bits may vary by device. |
Orientation for radial text
Name | Value | Since | Description | See Also |
Top of text is further from center. Typically used for upright text along the top of a circle. |
Bottom of text is further from center. Typically used for upright text along the bottom of a circle. |
Filter mode
Specifies how many pixels to sample
Name | Value | Since | Description | See Also |
FILTER_MODE_POINT | 0 | API Level 4.2.1 |
Point filter |
FILTER_MODE_BILINEAR | 1 | API Level 4.2.1 |
Biliniear filter |
Name | Value | Since | Description | See Also |
Counter clockwise draw |
ARC_CLOCKWISE | 1 | API Level 1.2.0 |
Clockwise draw |
Typedef Summary collapse
- BitmapType as WatchUi.BitmapResource or Graphics.BufferedBitmap or Graphics.BitmapReference or Graphics.BufferedBitmapReference
- ColorType as Lang.Number or Graphics.ColorValue
- FontType as WatchUi.FontResource or Graphics.FontDefinition or Graphics.FontReference or Graphics.VectorFont
Point2D as [ Lang.Numeric, Lang.Numeric ]
Type alias for an Array
of length 2. - VectorFontOptions as { :face as Lang.String or Lang.Array<Lang.String>, :size as Lang.Numeric, :font as Graphics.FontDefinition or Graphics.VectorFont, :scale as Lang.Float }
Instance Method Summary collapse
createBufferedBitmap(options as { :width as Lang.Number, :height as Lang.Number, :palette as Lang.Array<Graphics.ColorType>, :colorDepth as Lang.Number, :bitmapResource as WatchUi.BitmapResource or Graphics.BitmapReference, :alphaBlending as Graphics.AlphaBlending }) as Graphics.BufferedBitmapReference
Create a buffered bitmap object.
createColor(alpha as Lang.Number, red as Lang.Number, green as Lang.Number, blue as Lang.Number) as Lang.Number
Create a color with the individual channel values passed in.
fitTextToArea(text as Lang.String, font as Graphics.FontType, width as Lang.Numeric, height as Lang.Numeric, truncate as Lang.Boolean) as Lang.String or Null
Get a text string to fit in a specified area.
getFontAscent(font as Graphics.FontType) as Lang.Number
Get the recommended distance above the baseline for single spaced text.
getFontDescent(font as Graphics.FontType) as Lang.Number
Get the recommended distance below the baseline for single spaced text.
getFontHeight(font as Graphics.FontType) as Lang.Number
Get the height (ascent plus descent) of the given font.
getVectorFont(options as Graphics.VectorFontOptions) as Graphics.VectorFont or Null
Get a font for this device.
Typedef Details
BitmapType as WatchUi.BitmapResource or Graphics.BufferedBitmap or Graphics.BitmapReference or Graphics.BufferedBitmapReference
ColorType as Lang.Number or Graphics.ColorValue
FontType as WatchUi.FontResource or Graphics.FontDefinition or Graphics.FontReference or Graphics.VectorFont
Point2D as [ Lang.Numeric, Lang.Numeric ]
Type alias for an Array
VectorFontOptions as { :face as Lang.String or Lang.Array<Lang.String>, :size as Lang.Numeric, :font as Graphics.FontDefinition or Graphics.VectorFont, :scale as Lang.Float }
Instance Method Details
createBufferedBitmap(options as { :width as Lang.Number, :height as Lang.Number, :palette as Lang.Array<Graphics.ColorType>, :colorDepth as Lang.Number, :bitmapResource as WatchUi.BitmapResource or Graphics.BitmapReference, :alphaBlending as Graphics.AlphaBlending }) as Graphics.BufferedBitmapReference
Create a buffered bitmap object. This function will return a Toybox::Graphics::BufferedBitmapReference object which can be used to reference the Toybox::Graphics::BufferedBitmap object.
The result of a draw/fill operation to a BufferedBitmap created with ALPHA_BLENDING_PARTIAL may produce inconsistent results between devices and the ConnectIQ simulator if the drawn pixels are not fully opaque or fully transparent.
createColor(alpha as Lang.Number, red as Lang.Number, green as Lang.Number, blue as Lang.Number) as Lang.Number
Create a color with the individual channel values passed in
fitTextToArea(text as Lang.String, font as Graphics.FontType, width as Lang.Numeric, height as Lang.Numeric, truncate as Lang.Boolean) as Lang.String or Null
Get a text string to fit in a specified area
FontReference is only supported in CIQ 4.0.0 and later
getFontAscent(font as Graphics.FontType) as Lang.Number
Get the recommended distance above the baseline for single spaced text.
The base line is the line on which the text sits.
FontReference is only supported in CIQ 4.0.0 and later
getFontDescent(font as Graphics.FontType) as Lang.Number
Get the recommended distance below the baseline for single spaced text.
The base line is the line on which the text sits.
FontReference is only supported in CIQ 4.0.0 and later
getFontHeight(font as Graphics.FontType) as Lang.Number
Get the height (ascent plus descent) of the given font.
FontReference is only supported in CIQ 4.0.0 and later
getVectorFont(options as Graphics.VectorFontOptions) as Graphics.VectorFont or Null
Get a font for this device
The :font and :scale options are only supported in CIQ 5.1.0 and later.