Class: Toybox.Graphics.Dc

Toybox.Lang.Object show all


This class represents a device context.

It provides methods to perform drawing operations on the device.


You should never directly instantiate a Dc object, or attempt to render to the screen outside of an onUpdate call.


Draws a blue rectangle using direct pixel parameters.

using Toybox.Graphics;
function onUpdate(dc) {
    dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_BLUE, Graphics.COLOR_BLACK);
    dc.fillRectangle(100, 100, 100, 100);


Draws a red circle using direct pixel parameters.

using Toybox.Graphics;
function onUpdate(dc) {
    dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_RED, Graphics.COLOR_BLACK);
    dc.fillCircle(50, 100, 75);


Draws "Hello World" in the center of the screen using calls to the Device Context (dc).

using Toybox.Graphics;
function onUpdate(dc) {
    dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_BLACK, Graphics.COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
        dc.getWidth() / 2,                      // gets the width of the device and divides by 2
        dc.getHeight() / 2,                     // gets the height of the device and divides by 2
        Graphics.FONT_LARGE,                    // sets the font size
        "Hello World",                          // the String to display
        Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER            // sets the justification for the text


Clears the screen of device with background color (Graphics.COLOR_BLACK).

using Toybox.Graphics;
function onUpdate(dc) {
    dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_BLACK, Graphics.COLOR_BLACK);


API Level 1.0.0

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

clear() as Void

Erase the screen using the background color.


Starting form version 3.1.0, COLOR_TRANSPARENT will also be honored as background color, which will cause the value of pixels in the clip region to be replaced by COLOR_TRANSPARENT. For example, this can be used to clear the transparent overlay layer so animation background is visible.


API Level 1.0.0

clearClip() as Void

Reset the drawable area to the full area of the Dc.


API Level 2.3.0

drawAngledText(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, font as Graphics.VectorFont, text as Lang.String, justification as Graphics.TextJustification or Lang.Number, angle as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Draw angled text

Draw text such that it is oriented perpendicular to a radial line at the given angle.


Supported Devices:


API Level 4.2.1

drawArc(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, r as Lang.Numeric, attr as Graphics.ArcDirection, degreeStart as Lang.Numeric, degreeEnd as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Draw an arc.

  • 0 degrees: 3 o'clock position.

  • 90 degrees: 12 o'clock position.

  • 180 degrees: 9 o'clock position.

  • 270 degrees: 6 o'clock position.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x location of the arc center

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y location of the arc center

  • r(Lang.Numeric)

    The radius of the arc

  • attr(Graphics.ArcDirection)

    Arc drawing attributes. (ARC_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE or ARC_CLOCKWISE)

  • degreeStart(Lang.Numeric)

    The start angle of the arc by degrees.

  • degreeEnd(Lang.Numeric)

    The end angle of the arc by degrees.


API Level 1.2.0

drawBitmap(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, bitmap as Graphics.BitmapType) as Void

Draw a bitmap to the screen.


BitmapReference is only supported in CIQ 4.0.0 and later



API Level 1.0.0


drawBitmap2(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, bitmap as Graphics.BitmapType, options as { :bitmapX as Lang.Number, :bitmapY as Lang.Number, :bitmapWidth as Lang.Number, :bitmapHeight as Lang.Number, :tintColor as Graphics.ColorType, :filterMode as Graphics.FilterMode, :transform as Graphics.AffineTransform } or Null) as Void

Draw bitmap with the given options


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The top left x coordinate to begin the draw

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The top left y coordinate to begin the draw

  • bitmap(Lang.Object)

    The BitmapResource or BufferedBitmap to render. The source color palette must be a subset of the destination color palette.

  • options(Lang.Dictionary)

    A dictionary of options

    • :bitmapX(Lang.Number)

      The x coordinate of the top left corner of the source bitmap area. Default is 0

    • :bitmapY(Lang.Number)

      The y coordinate of the top left corner of the source bitmap area. Default is 0

    • :bitmapWidth(Lang.Number)

      The width of the source bitmap area. Default is bitmap.getWidth()

    • :bitmapHeight(Lang.Number)

      The height of the source bitmap area. Default is bitmap.getHeight()

    • :tintColor(Graphics.ColorType)

      Tint color to apply to the output If not provided, no tint is applied.

    • :filterMode(Graphics.FilterMode)

      Default is FILTER_MODE_POINT.

    • :transform(Graphics.AffineTransform)

      Transformation to apply to the source image when drawing it to the output. If not provided, no transform is applied.

Supported Devices:


API Level 4.2.1


  • InvalidValueException if one of :bitmapX, :bitmapY, :bitmapWidth, :bitmapHeight are provided and outside the bounds of bitmap.

drawCircle(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, radius as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Draw a circle around a point.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x location of the circle center

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y location of the circle center

  • radius(Lang.Number)

    The radius of the circle


API Level 1.0.0

drawEllipse(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, a as Lang.Numeric, b as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Draw an ellipse around a point.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x location of the ellipse center

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y location of the ellipse center

  • a(Lang.Number)

    The radius of the ellipse along the x axis

  • b(Lang.Number)

    The radius of the ellipse along the y axis


API Level 1.0.0

drawLine(x1 as Lang.Numeric, y1 as Lang.Numeric, x2 as Lang.Numeric, y2 as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Draw a line between two points.



API Level 1.0.0

drawOffsetBitmap(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, bitmapX as Lang.Numeric, bitmapY as Lang.Numeric, bitmapWidth as Lang.Numeric, bitmapHeight as Lang.Numeric, bitmap as Graphics.BitmapType) as Void

Draw a bitmap to the screen with an offset.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The top left x coordinate to begin the draw

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The top left y coordinate to begin the draw

  • bitmapX(Lang.Number)

    The x offset of the upper left corner of pixels to copy from the bitmap.

  • bitmapY(Lang.Number)

    The y offset of the upper left corner of pixels to copy from the bitmap.

  • bitmapWidth(Lang.Number)

    The width of the area to copy pixels from the bitmap.

  • bitmapHeight(Lang.Number)

    The height of the area to copy pixels from the bitmap

  • bitmap(Lang.Object)

    The BitmapResource or BufferedBitmap to render. The source color palette must be a subset of the destination color palette.

Supported Devices:


API Level 4.0.0


drawPoint(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Draw a point on the screen.



API Level 1.0.0

drawRadialText(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, font as Graphics.VectorFont, text as Lang.String, justification as Graphics.TextJustification or Lang.Number, angle as Lang.Numeric, radius as Lang.Numeric, direction as Graphics.RadialTextDirection) as Void

Draw radial text

Draw text oriented along an arc.


Supported Devices:


API Level 4.2.1

drawRectangle(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, width as Lang.Numeric, height as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Draw a rectangle.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x location of the upper corner

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y location of the upper corner

  • width(Lang.Numeric)

    The width value of the rectangle

  • height(Lang.Numeric)

    The height value of the rectangle


API Level 1.0.0

drawRoundedRectangle(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, width as Lang.Numeric, height as Lang.Numeric, radius as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Draw a rounded rectangle.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x location of the upper corner

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y location of the upper corner

  • width(Lang.Numeric)

    The width value of the rectangle

  • height(Lang.Numeric)

    The height value of the rectangle

  • radius(Lang.Numeric)

    The radius of the rounding.


API Level 1.0.0

drawScaledBitmap(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, width as Lang.Numeric, height as Lang.Numeric, bitmap as Graphics.BitmapType) as Void

Draw a scaled bitmap to a surface.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The top left x coordinate to begin the draw

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The top left y coordinate to begin the draw

  • width(Lang.Numeric)

    The width of the bitmap drawn on the destination surface

  • height(Lang.Numeric)

    The height of the bitmap drawn on the destination surface

  • bitmap(Lang.Object)

    The BitmapResource or BufferedBitmap to render. The source color palette must be a subset of the destination color palette.

Supported Devices:


API Level 4.0.0


drawText(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, font as Graphics.FontType, text as Lang.Object or Null, justification as Graphics.TextJustification or Lang.Number) as Void

Draw text at the given location.

This method is not supported for anti-aliased fonts (including most built in fonts) for a BufferedBitmap that has a palette.


FontReference is only supported in CIQ 4.0.0 and later


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x location of the text

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y location of the text

  • font(Graphics.FontType)

    The font to use. This can be a custom font loaded from resources or a Graphics.FONT_* value.

  • text(Lang.Object)

    The Object to render.

  • justification

    Mask of Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_* constants. This may either be a single Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_* constant, or a combination of one vertical and one horizontal justification value as a bit mask (e.g., Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER | Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_VCENTER).


API Level 1.0.0


fillCircle(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, radius as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Fill a circle with the foreground color.



API Level 1.0.0

fillEllipse(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, a as Lang.Numeric, b as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Fill an ellipse with the foreground color.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x location of the ellipse center

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y location of the ellipse center

  • a(Lang.Numeric)

    The radius of the ellipse along the x axis

  • b(Lang.Numeric)

    The radius of the ellipse along the y axis


API Level 1.0.0

fillPolygon(pts as Lang.Array<Graphics.Point2D>) as Void

Fill a polygon with the foreground color.


  • pts(Lang.Array)

    Array of coordinates with a 64 point limit


API Level 1.0.0

fillRectangle(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, width as Lang.Numeric, height as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Fill a rectangle with the foreground color.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x location of the upper corner

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y location of the upper corner

  • width(Lang.Numeric)

    The width value of the rectangle

  • height(Lang.Numeric)

    The height value of the rectangle


API Level 1.0.0

fillRoundedRectangle(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, width as Lang.Numeric, height as Lang.Numeric, radius as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Fill a rounded rectangle with the foreground color.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x location of the upper corner

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y location of the upper corner

  • width(Lang.Numeric)

    The width value of the rectangle

  • height(Lang.Numeric)

    The height value of the rectangle

  • radius(Lang.Numeric)

    The radius of the rounding


API Level 1.0.0

getFontHeight(font as Graphics.FontType) as Lang.Number

Get the height of a font.




API Level 1.0.0

getHeight() as Lang.Number

Get the height of the display region that is available to the app.



API Level 1.0.0

getTextDimensions(text as Lang.String, font as Graphics.FontType) as [ Lang.Number, Lang.Number ]

Get the width and height of a String.

This takes new lines into account when determining the height. The width is the maximum width for a given line of the String. If a String has two newline characters (\\n) in it, the height would be for three lines and the width would be the width of the longest String.



  • Lang.Array

    The [width, height] of the String in pixels


API Level 1.0.0

getTextWidthInPixels(text as Lang.String, font as Graphics.FontType) as Lang.Number

Get the width of a String.




API Level 1.0.0

getWidth() as Lang.Number

Get the width of the display region that is available to the app.



API Level 1.0.0

setAntiAlias(enabled as Lang.Boolean) as Void

Enable anti-aliased drawing for primitives This method is not supported for a BufferedBitmap that has a palette.


  • enabled(Lang.Boolean)

    true if AA is to be enabled, false otherwise.

Supported Devices:


API Level 3.2.0


setBlendMode(mode as Graphics.BlendMode) as Void

Set blend mode for drawing.


BLEND_MODE_NO_BLEND is only supported while drawing bitmaps


Supported Devices:


API Level 4.0.0

setClip(x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, width as Lang.Numeric, height as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Apply a clipping region to the Dc.

Pixels outside of the region will not be affected by any operations.


  • x(Lang.Numeric)

    The x coordinate of the top left corner of the clipping region

  • y(Lang.Numeric)

    The y coordinate of the top left corner of the clipping region

  • width(Lang.Numeric)

    The width of the clipping region in pixels.

  • height(Lang.Numeric)

    The height of the clipping region in pixels.


API Level 2.3.0

setColor(foreground as Graphics.ColorType, background as Graphics.ColorType) as Void

Set the current foreground and background colors.



API Level 1.0.0

setFill(fill as Lang.Number or Graphics.BitmapTexture) as Void

Set fill tool for drawing primitives.


this function takes precedence over setColor(). If fill tool is not set, the foreground color will be used.


Supported Devices:


API Level 4.0.0

setPenWidth(width as Lang.Numeric) as Void

Set the width of a line.



API Level 1.0.0

setStroke(stroke as Lang.Number or Graphics.BitmapTexture) as Void

Set draw tool for drawing primitives.


this function takes precedence over setColor(). If draw tool is not set, the foreground color will be used.


Supported Devices:


API Level 4.0.0

Generated Mar 4, 2025, 4:09:52 PM