Class: Toybox.Lang.String

Toybox.Lang.Object show all


String objects represent a sequence of characters, and provide methods for string operations.


API Level 1.0.0

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

compareTo(other as Lang.Object) as Lang.Number

Lexicographically compare self to some other string.


  • other(Lang.Object)

    The right hand side of a comparison.


  • Lang.Number

    A negative value if self is less than other, zero if the objects are equivalent, and a positive value if self is greater than other.


API Level 5.0.0


equals(other as Lang.Object or Null) as Lang.Boolean

Test if an Object instance is equal to another instance of an Object.


  • other(Lang.Object)

    The Object to test against


  • Lang.Boolean

    true if the Objects are equal, otherwise false


API Level 1.0.0

find(string as Lang.String) as Lang.Number or Null

Determine if the specified String exists in a String.



var myString = "Go bananas with Monkey C!";
var index = myString.find("bananas"); // index is 3


  • Lang.Number

    The index of the start of the specified String, or null if not found


API Level 1.0.0

hashCode() as Lang.Number

Get a hash code value for a String.



API Level 1.0.0

length() as Lang.Number

Get the number of characters in a String.



API Level 1.0.0

substring(startIndex as Lang.Number or Null, endIndex as Lang.Number or Null) as Lang.String or Null

Create a new String that contains the contents of the current String from a start position to an end position.


Starting with 3.3.2, passing null for startIndex sets it to the start of the string and passing null for endIndex sets it to the end of the string. Passing in a negative number for either startIndex or endIndex offsets it from the end of the string.


  • startIndex(Lang.Number)

    Zero-based start index of the substring

  • endIndex(Lang.Number)

    End position of the substring, exclusive


var myString = "Go bananas with Monkey C!";
var mySubString = myString.substring(3, 10); // mySubString is "bananas"


  • Lang.String

    The substring of the String or null on error


API Level 1.0.0

toCharArray() as Lang.Array<Lang.Char>

Convert a String to an Array of Char objects.


  • Lang.Array

    A Char Array representation of the String, where each character in the String is an element in the Array


API Level 1.3.0

toDouble() as Lang.Double or Null

Convert a String to a Double.

If a String is in the numeric form of "123" or "123.45", convert it to a Double. Additional characters after the detected floating point value will be ignored. Strings that cannot be interpreted as a Double, or whose value exceeds that which can be represented in a Double, will result in a null value.


var myString;
var myNum;

myString = "123";
myNum = myString.toDouble(); // myNum is 123.000000

myString = "3.14"
myNum = myString.toDouble(); // myNum is 3.140000

myString = ""
myNum = myString.toDouble(); // myNum is 192.167999

myString = "Hello There!"
myNum = myString.toDouble(); // null


  • Lang.Double

    A Double representation of the String


API Level 3.1.0

toFloat() as Lang.Float or Null

Convert a String to a Float.

If a String is in the numeric form of "123" or "123.45", convert it to a Float. Additional characters after the detected floating point value will be ignored. Strings that cannot be interpreted as a Float, or whose value exceeds that which can be represented in a Float, will result in a null value.


var myString;
var myNum;

myString = "123";
myNum = myString.toFloat(); // myNum is 123.000000

myString = "3.14"
myNum = myString.toFloat(); // myNum is 3.140000

myString = ""
myNum = myString.toFloat(); // myNum is 192.167999

myString = "Hello There!"
myNum = myString.toFloat(); // null


  • Lang.Float

    A Float representation of the String


API Level 1.0.0

toLong() as Lang.Long or Null

Convert a String to a Long.

If a String is in the numeric form of "123", it can be converted to a Long. Additional characters after the detected number value will be ignored. Strings that cannot be interpreted as a Long, or whose value exceeds that which can be represented in a Long, will result in a null value.


var myString;
var myNum;

myString = "123";
myNum = myString.toLong(); // myNum is 123

myString = "3.14"
myNum = myString.toLong(); // myNum is 3

myString = "1200 E. 151st. Street"
myNum = myString.toLong(); // myNum is 1200

myString = "Hello There!"
myNum = myString.toLong(); // null


  • Lang.Long

    A Long representation of the String


API Level 3.1.0

toLongWithBase(base as Lang.Number) as Lang.Long or Null

Convert a String to a Long using a specified base.


  • base(Lang.Object)

    The base of the input string. If the value of base is zero, the string content is expected to have syntax similar to that of integer constants, which includes:

    • An optional sign character ('+' or '-')

    • An optional prefix for octal or hexadecimal ('0' or '0x')

    • A sequence of digits in the prefixed base, or decimal if none was specified. If the base value is between 2 and 36, the format expected for the number is valid digits and/or letters that represent integers of the specified radix (from '0' to 'z' or 'Z' for base 36).


var myString;
var myNum;

myString = "10";
myNum = myString.toLongWithBase(2);    // myNum is 2

myString = "FF";
myNum = myString.toLongWithBase(16);   // myNum is 255
myNum = myString.toLongWithBase(0x10); // myNum is 255


  • Lang.Long

    A Long representation of the String


API Level 3.1.0

toLower() as Lang.String

Convert a String to lowercase.



API Level 1.0.0

toNumber() as Lang.Number or Null

Convert a String to a Number.

If a String is in the numeric form of "123", it can be converted to a Number. Additional characters after the detected number value will be ignored. Strings that cannot be interpreted as a Number, or whose value exceeds that which can be represented in a Number, will result in a null value.


var myString;
var myNum;

myString = "123";
myNum = myString.toNumber(); // myNum is 123

myString = "3.14"
myNum = myString.toNumber(); // myNum is 3

myString = "1200 E. 151st. Street"
myNum = myString.toNumber(); // myNum is 1200

myString = "Hello There!"
myNum = myString.toNumber(); // null


  • Lang.Number

    A Number representation of the String


API Level 1.0.0

toNumberWithBase(base as Lang.Number) as Lang.Number or Null

Convert a String to a Number using a specified base.


  • base(Lang.Object)

    The base of the input string. If the value of base is zero, the string content expected to have syntax similar to that of integer constants, which includes:

    • An optional sign character ('+' or '-')

    • An optional prefix for octal or hexadecimal ('0' or '0x')

    • A sequence of digits in the prefixed base, or decimal if none was specified. If the base value is between 2 and 36, the format expected for the number is valid digits and/or letters that represent integers of the specified radix (from '0' to 'z' or 'Z' for base 36).


var myString;
var myNum;

myString = "10";
myNum = myString.toNumberWithBase(2);    // myNum is 2

myString = "FF";
myNum = myString.toNumberWithBase(16);   // myNum is 255
myNum = myString.toNumberWithBase(0x10); // myNum is 255


  • Lang.Number

    A Number representation of the String


API Level 1.4.1

toString() as Lang.String

Convert a String to a String.



API Level 1.0.0

toUpper() as Lang.String

Convert a String to uppercase.



API Level 1.0.0

toUtf8Array() as Lang.Array<Lang.Number>

Convert a String to an Array of Number objects.

Each Number represents one byte of the UTF-8 representation of the String.


  • Lang.Array

    An Array representation of the String, where each byte in the string is an element in the Array


API Level 1.3.0

Generated Mar 4, 2025, 4:09:52 PM