Class: Toybox.Lang.Array

Toybox.Lang.Object show all


Array objects are fixed size, numerically indexed, single dimensional, and take any Objects (including Arrays) as members. Array keys must be Numbers, but Array values may be any type of Object.


API Level 1.0.0

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

add(object as Lang.Object or Null) as Lang.Array<Lang.Object or Null>

Add an Object to the end of an Array.

When adding an Object, the Array size is increased by one and the new Object is inserted at the new index.


  • object(Lang.Object)

    The Object to be added to the Array



API Level 1.3.0

addAll(array as Lang.Array<Lang.Object or Null>) as Lang.Array<Lang.Object or Null>

Add an Array of Objects to the end of an Array.

When adding an Array of Objects, the Array is expanded by the size of the provided Array, and all of the new elements are inserted starting at the new index.


  • array(Lang.Array)

    The Array of Objects to be added to the Array



API Level 1.3.0

indexOf(object as Lang.Object or Null) as Lang.Number

Get the index of an Object within the Array.


  • object(Lang.Object)

    The Object whose index is to be found


  • Lang.Number

    The index of the first instance of the provided Object in the Array. If the Object is not found, -1 is returned.


API Level 1.3.0

remove(object as Lang.Object or Null) as Lang.Boolean

Remove an Object from an Array.

If the passed Object is found, the Array size is decreased by one and elements beyond it are shifted to the next lower index. If the Array has multiple matches, the matching Object at the lowest index will be removed but the other matching Objects will not be removed.


  • object(Lang.Object)

    The object to be removed from the Array


  • Lang.Boolean

    true if instances of the object are found, otherwise false


API Level 1.3.0

removeAll(object as Lang.Object or Null) as Lang.Boolean

Remove Objects from an Array.

For each instance of the Object that is found, the Array size is decreased by one and elements beyond it are shifted to the next lower index.


  • object(Lang.Object)

    The Object to be removed from the Array


  • Lang.Boolean

    true if instances of the Object are found, otherwise false


API Level 1.3.0

reverse() as Lang.Array<Lang.Object or Null>

Return a new Array that contains the elements of a source Array in reverse order.


  • Lang.Array

    A new Array with elements in reversed order


API Level 1.3.0

size() as Lang.Number

Get the size of an Array.



API Level 1.0.0

slice(startIndex as Lang.Number or Null, endIndex as Lang.Number or Null) as Lang.Array<Lang.Object or Null>

Get a new Array containing a portion of an existing Array.


  • startIndex(Lang.Number, null)

    A zero-based index of the start of the new Array. If a negative startIndex is provided, it will offset from the end of the Array. If the startIndex is null, the slice will begin at 0. An out-of-bounds index will be truncated to the array limits.

  • endIndex(Lang.Number, null)

    A zero-based index of the end of the new Array. Items are included up to, but not including endIndex. If a negative endIndex is provided, it will offset from the end of the Array. If endIndex is null, the the slice will end at the last element. An out-of-bounds index will be truncated to the Array limits.


var myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

// Get the first five elements of the Array
var newArray1 = myArray.slice(0, 5);     // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// Get the last element of the Array
var newArray2 = myArray.slice(-1, null); // [10]

// Slice off the first and last elements from the Array
var myArray3 = myArray.slice(1, -1);     // [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


  • Lang.Array

    A new Array containing the elements from startIndex to endIndex


API Level 1.3.0

sort(comparator as Lang.Comparator or Null) as Void

Sort an Array


  • comparator(Lang.Comparator, null)

    An object that can be used to specify the order of Objects relative to others. If comparator is null, a default comparator will be used. The default comparator will sort values in ascending order, and is able to compare Numeric, Boolean, and Char values, or String values.


var myArray = [2, 1, 3.0f, 0.0d];
myArray.sort(null); // [0.0d, 1, 2, 3.0f]

var myStrings = ["bb", "a", "aa", "b"];
myStrings.sort(null); // ["a", "aa", "b", "bb"]

var myProblem = ["1", 1];
myProblem.sort(null); // UnexpectedTypeException


API Level 5.0.0


toString() as Lang.String

Convert an Array to a String.

This does not convert the elements of the Array into Strings, but transforms the entire Array into a String.


using Toybox.System;
var myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
System.println(myArray[1]);                // prints 1

var myString = myArray.toString();
System.println(myString);                  // "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
System.println(myString[1]);               // UnexpectedTypeException
System.println(myString.substring(0, 5));  // "[1, 2"



API Level 1.0.0

Generated Feb 13, 2025, 2:57:26 PM