Class: Toybox.WatchUi.ToggleMenuItem


A representation of a toggle item in a Menu2.

A ToggleMenuItem is a element of a Menu2 View that represents one of the options in the menu, and includes an indicator on the menu item that appears in one of two states: enabled or disabled. When selected, the state of the ToggleMenuItem changes to the state opposite of the state prior to the onSelect delegate callback invocation.

A ToggleMenuItem can be added to a Menu2 using the addItem() method.

See Also:


API Level 3.0.0

App Types:

  • Audio Content Provider

  • Data Field

  • Glance

  • Watch App

  • Watch Face

  • Widget

Supported Devices:

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

getSubLabel() as Lang.String or Lang.Dictionary<Lang.Symbol, Lang.String or Null> or Null

Get a ToggleMenuItem label substring.



API Level 3.0.0

initialize(label as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId, subLabel as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or { :enabled as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or Null, :disabled as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or Null } or Null, identifier as Lang.Object or Null, enabled as Lang.Boolean, options as { :alignment as MenuItem.Alignment, :icon as Graphics.BitmapType or WatchUi.Drawable or Lang.ResourceId } or Null)



The :icon option is only used on ConnectIQ 3.4.0 devices with subscreen support.



API Level 3.0.0

isEnabled() as Lang.Boolean

Get a ToggleMenuItem state.



API Level 3.0.0

setEnabled(enabled as Lang.Boolean) as Void

Set a ToggleMenuItem state.


  • enabled(Lang.Boolean)

    The intended state of the ToggleMenuItem; enabled if true, disabled if false


API Level 3.0.0


setSubLabel(subLabel as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or { :enabled as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or Null, :disabled as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or Null } or Null) as Void

Set a ToggleMenuItem label substring.


  • subLabel(Lang.String, Lang.ResourceId, Lang.Dictionary)

    The substring label for the item or a dictionary of toggle states mapped to sub-label strings, which can be null

    • :enabled(Lang.String)

      The string displayed when the ToggleMenuItem is enabled, or null

    • :disabled(Lang.String)

      The string displayed when the ToggleMenuItem is disabled, or null


API Level 3.0.0

Generated Mar 4, 2025, 4:09:54 PM