Class: Toybox.WatchUi.CheckboxMenu
- Inherits:
A representation of a check box menu.
A CheckboxMenu is a specialized Menu2 View that presents the user with a list of check box options. After an option is selected, the registered onSelect() method will be called. While a CheckboxMenu can be generated programmatically, they should generally be created as a resource.
A CheckboxMenu is pushed using pushView(), which provides a Menu2InputDelegate as the input delegate.
See Also:
The look and feel of a CheckboxMenu is device-specific.
Instance Method Summary collapse
addItem(item as WatchUi.CheckboxMenuItem) as Void
Add a CheckboxMenuItem to a CheckboxMenu.
initialize(options as { :title as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or WatchUi.Drawable, :footer as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or WatchUi.Drawable, :focus as Lang.Number, :icon as Graphics.BitmapType or Lang.ResourceId or WatchUi.Drawable, :theme as WatchUi.MenuTheme or Null, :dividerType as Menu2.DividerType or Null } or Null)
Instance Method Details
addItem(item as WatchUi.CheckboxMenuItem) as Void
Add a CheckboxMenuItem to a CheckboxMenu.
initialize(options as { :title as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or WatchUi.Drawable, :footer as Lang.String or Lang.ResourceId or WatchUi.Drawable, :focus as Lang.Number, :icon as Graphics.BitmapType or Lang.ResourceId or WatchUi.Drawable, :theme as WatchUi.MenuTheme or Null, :dividerType as Menu2.DividerType or Null } or Null)
The :icon
option is only used on ConnectIQ 3.4.0 devices with subscreen support.
The :theme
option is only used on ConnectIQ 4.1.8 devices with menu theme support.
The :dividerType
option is only used on ConnectIQ 5.0.1 devices with divider support.
The :footer
option is only used on ConnectIQ 5.1.0 devices.