Class: Toybox.Attention.ToneProfile
- Inherits:
Define a tone pattern.
Tones have two characteristics: frequency and duration. These characteristics are used to define a single ToneProfile object, which can then be passed with a collection of other ToneProfile objects in an Array to the playTone() method. The playTone() method will play through each of the ToneProfile objects within the Array in order.
Instance Member Summary collapse
duration as Lang.Number
The duration of the tone in milliseconds (ms).
frequency as Lang.Number
The frequency of the tone in hertz (hz).
Instance Method Summary collapse
initialize(aFrequency as Lang.Number, aDuration as Lang.Number)
Instance Attribute Details
var duration as Lang.Number
The duration of the tone in milliseconds (ms).
var frequency as Lang.Number
The frequency of the tone in hertz (hz).
Instance Method Details
initialize(aFrequency as Lang.Number, aDuration as Lang.Number)