Class: Toybox.Ant.BurstListener


A class that provides a set of callback methods to handle the different burst transmission scenarios in the Ant SDK.


Shows extending BurstListener class

using Toybox.Ant;

// An extension of BurstListener to handle burst events
class MyBurstListener extends Ant.BurstListener {

    // Callback when a burst transmission completes successfully
    function onTransmitComplete() as Void {

    // Callback when a burst transmission fails over the air.
    // Takes an errorCode parameter which is the type of burst
    // failure that occurred.
    function onTransmitFail(errorCode as BurstError) as Void {
        System.println("onTransmitFail-" + errorCode);

    // Callback when a burst reception fails over the air.
    // Takes an errorCode parameter which is the type of burst
    // failure that occurred.
    function onReceiveFail(errorCode as BurstError) as Void {
        System.println("onReceiveFail-" + errorCode);

    // Callback when a burst reception completes successfully.
    // Takes a burstPayload parameter which is the burst data
    // received across the channel.
    function onReceiveComplete(burstPayload as BurstPayload) as Void {



API Level 2.2.0

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

onReceiveComplete(burstPayload as Ant.BurstPayload) as Void

Callback when a burst reception completes successfully


See Also:


API Level 2.2.0

onReceiveFail(errorCode as Ant.BurstError) as Void

Callback when a burst reception fails over the air


  • errorCode(Ant.BurstError)

    The type of burst failure that occurred as a BURST_ERROR_* constant


API Level 2.2.0

onTransmitComplete() as Void

Callback when a burst transmission completes successfully


API Level 2.2.0

onTransmitFail(errorCode as Ant.BurstError) as Void

Callback when a burst transmission fails over the air


  • errorCode(Ant.BurstError)

    The type of burst failure that occurred as a BURST_ERROR_* constant


API Level 2.2.0

Generated Jun 26, 2024 1:13:54 PM