
Open Source Linux Software for Our Devices

This page contains links to source code archives for our Linux-based products.


Archive Format: The archives are in the format of bzip2-compressed tarballs, and they each extract into a directory of their own, named according to the particular product and software version number. Each archive contains source code organized by software license, then by package. Every package is distributed with a tarball of its original source code, and, in some cases, an additional patch which describes any modifications made by Garmin.

For example:

                                +-- GPL/
                                |    |
                                |    +-- linux-daisy-
                                |         |
                                |         +-- linux-daisy-
                                |         +-- linux-daisy-
                                +-- LGPL/
                                |    |
                                .    .
                                .    .
                                .    .
