Digital Map Datasets
How is the data collected?
Data is collected globally from industry recognized source leaders including Landsat imagery, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, US Geological Survey, National Snow and Ice Center, Canada Digital Elevation Data, US Tactical Pilotage Charts, Soviet Military Maps, TIGER data, National Land Cover Dataset, state and local departments and consumer input.
How are data updates prioritized?
Prioritization is based on feature types, working first with the land transportation features (roads and rails) then hydro lines and polygons, so that the interaction of all feature types can be appropriately based and cartographically addressed. Geographic prioritization is by population, current events and input from customers.
How can I use the Digital Atlas of the Earth data in my applications?
Typical customers for these datasets are large, multi-national organizations that require accurate and authoritative base map upon which they can superimpose their critical business data. Intelligence organizations, military organizations, mining businesses, oil and gas exploration companies and general GIS application companies are just a few examples of how the data is used as part of a geospatial strategy.
How can I use the North America data in my applications?
The North America data includes topographic, routing and geocoding datasets to create a solid foundation for all of your GIS and mapping requirements as the map detail is consistence and coverage in rural areas is unparalleled. This fully routable and easy-to-use data can be utilized in trip planning, vehicle tracking and turn-by-turn directions. This data has been used by millions of consumers including Street Atlas USA, Topo North America, Earthmate and the Atlas & Gazetteer series.
Sounds great, how do I license the data?
We offer a variety of licensing solutions for your needs. Standard licensing is done on a per seat or per unit basis. We also offer internal use and public facing options. We recognize that not all licenses are the same so we work with our customers to implement a variety of pricing models to suit all needs. Contact us to request a custom quote or request more information about the data.